Soulful Expressions

A Course for Photographers

Soulful Expressions; A Course Overview

An online teaching program for people interested in photography as a hobby or career.

It takes students on a journey of deep self-discovery and creative expression.

We combine spiritual teachings and photographic practices with the art and instruction of photography. The course invites students to explore their inner worlds and express their unique perspectives through the lens.

The course encourages participants to overcome personal barriers to creativity, and open to their Intuitive body, fostering a space of openness, courage, and authenticity.

This enables students to truly access their deepest creative source and originate imagery that represents their personal vison which will immediately connects with others who resonate with the vision presented.

 What does it contain:

8 instructional videos from Don and 4 from Selina

Selina focuses on the spiritual aspect and Don talks about the photographic elements.


 The intersection of Creativity and Spirituality:Intro with definition of photog/ Who we are/ The process of creativity

 Awareness and the creative process: What is awareness and how does it affect our imagery. Getting and staying in flow and its purpose/Clearing your energetic field/

Overcoming Barriers to Creativity

How daily choices affect creativity/what is the present moment/the role of quiet in the creative process

Creating Your Inner and Outer Tool Kit

Spiritual practices that support creativity/patience, creative dates/disicpline

 Included are 5 Audio files that contain practices to use that are coordinated with the modules teaching

Audio topics:
Breath of life, creating your imaginary studio, using th studio, Laying down the sheild/ creative date

 Who is this class for?

Any working photographer eager to become more creative

Any pro burned out on assignments that lack creative input or talent

Any pro who forgot why they became a photographer in the first place

Any amateur photographer wishing to generate more competitive imagery

Any pro or amateur photographer wishing to have a deeper connection to creativity

Any pro or amateur photographer wishing to create imagery that connects more deeply to others

Any photographer interested in learning about the magic that is part of the “Photography is a combination of science and magic” equation

Any Photographer interested in developing more competitive Imagery.

 Why Should People By This Program?

t’s complete:

  • It contains both teachings & practices
  • Created by 2 seasoned teaching pros who know what photographers need and how to teach the material in an easy to access and enjoyable format.
  • It’s unique: No other program like this one
  • It’s evergreen:
  • You can start at module one or look through the material and start where you are called. As you take on the spiritual practices you will shift and grow you’ll notice your changes.
  • Different pieces of information in each module will hold different purpose and meaning as you shift and grow
  • It’s Affordable
  • No hidden fees
  • 8 teaching modules 5 practices Tips and extra audio instruction and inspiration
  • Easy to use
  • Download onto your computer and use whenever where ever.
  • One module, one teaching ,one exercise at a time
  • Exercises are on audio files so you can take them on the road with you for continual use

While the Spiritual information is designed to support the creation of deeper imagery the practices when used, actually affect the total being.

  • You will become more patient, aware and reflective. You become less reactive, more responsive, kinder and open.
  • These shifts affect your ability to market and service clients in a hugely positive way.

If you ever feel stuck, or like you are becoming overwhelmed, this evergreen course can give you the tools to strike back, gain your footing, and change the frequency of your inner self.

This class will change your relationship with photography, inspire you to go farther than you have ever gone, and make images that resonate.